Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Brave Girl Dee Dee

Dee is a very brave girl. Today she has to fly to MEPS in SLC to finish her Army Reserve stuff and swear in. She is brave because she has to fly there alone, stay in a hotel alone and fly home Thursday alone.

I beleive she has decided on Gloria as the hippo travel companion of choice. Wise decision as she is a safe traveler. I had a picture of her, but its gone.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Welcome to Facebook

So I just wanted to say how much fun Facebook has become. Thanks Karissa for getting me started long ago at G-ma & G-Pa Gaynes house at midnight.

In the last few months I have rekindled long lost friendships and relatives. Also keeping posted with family and friends current. Still looking for others, if you are out there I will find you! I have hooked up with high school and jr high friends and some as far back as 6th grade! Crazy you say? Not I! I love it! Facebook friends are forever!

So take out that yearbook and look for a blast from the past!