Thursday, November 13, 2008

17 years later

Samantha Iris Dolbee

born 11/13/1991

6 lb 5 oz 17" @ 5:10 pm

Darleen Kathrine Dolbee

born 11/13/1991

6 lb 8oz 17 1/2" @ 5:12 pm

17 years ago today was a busy day for the family in Utah. I went to the hospital at 5:00 am to be induced only to find the elevators were not operating. Just picture it, an enormously pregnant woman walking up 2 flights of stairs! Good thing I wasn't in labor!

They hooked me up with double bells and whistles for the two little babies in my engorged belly. Eddie was just a nervous wreck, he was smoking at the time and left the room every 20 - 30 minutes to go outside and smoke. Later the Dolbee clan showed up (Iris, Carol, Quinn) to be with us. About 10:00 am my wonderful Momma Marva came to sit with me and helped me through my epidural. While my sister-in-law Carol swore she was not having kids ever! Needles to say 9 months later she had her son Colby.

My fun spirited aunt Linda Howes was on duty at the hospital that day and came in to help me out until her shift was over. She was great, her and my step-mom would get the nurses for me when I was in pain. Yes, the girls labor was painful when I was awake. We went in and out of sleep and pushed and breathed and cried for what seemed hours. Then the nurse finally said we were crowning and ready for delivery!

Whew! Well if you don't know, two babies at a time take a lot of staff and stuff! There were double doctors and nurses in my delivery room. Eddie was so brave holding my hand the whole time we were delivering. The first baby came out "its a girl!" the doctors exclaimed. She was beautiful! Little smooshy face, big red lips and tons of white hair! We were excited and waiting anxious for our little boy to be born next. He was breach and they used their salad spoons to bring the baby #2 out. When out, the doctor exclaimed with a bit of stress, "It's..another girl!"

Eddie said the two doctors exchanged glances and shrugged. You see, we were assured for the last 5 months they were a boy and girl. Then I looked at the baby and at Eddie and cried, "we only have one girls name!" But #2 was rushed to NICU for the hole in her lung where amniotic fluid had seeped in. I saw her from afar and she was beautiful! long head, brown skin and black hair. WOW! two girls! What to do? What do we name them?

My dad got to the floor just as they were born, he didn't miss a thing.
Now here we are 17 years later, seniors in high school, driving cars and dad crazy! They are great girls and I couldn't have asked for better. I could continue this, but you may get bored and stop reading. They have survived 17 years! holy cow!

I love my piglets so much, and wish them the best for 17 more years! Happy birthday Dee & Sam!


Darleen said...

This made me cry I love you to mommy!!!!

Lemme said...

seriously...totally bawling like a baby right now...

Melisa said...

I remember this wonderful day very well. We had all been so excited since we first saw the ultrasound photos. It is so hard to believe it was 17 years ago. I am starting to feel very old some days! I remember that it was so much fun to make their baby quilts. I had that fabric in my cedar chest since high school because it was just so cute. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

G'ma Nasus said...

A beautiful tribute to "three" wonderful women: Bon, Sam & Dee

You have all turned out so well! I love you and I am so proud of you.



Sushiboy said...

Happy B-day girls.

Wow bon you must be very proud!

karen said...

i wish i could have been there to see you climb the stairs! i didn't get to see you REALLY preggers, but i remember that the one time i got to see you--in the apartment with all of the outside stairs--3 floors?--you were pretty big, you were 5 or 6 months maybe? qnyway we were all happy when they finally got here and dee got to go home. love you!! tear....

grannybearbox said...

I couldn't have been prouder on that day, your mom was a brick and did so well, and the joy that you both brought to us, can never be explained. Your dad came out to tell us and he was crying and said, he had two little girls. We were so amazed at the difference in you and we were always able to tell you apart. I remember your mom coming home and having a paper to write down your feedings so you would not get overlooked and get to eat when you were suppose to. I have always been proud to be your grandma. Love ya

BigSister said...

Hey Girl! I remember those days. The girls were darling babies & are beautiful young women. Love your My Meez avatar. Please add me as a friend there. Take care and love you tons.